An elegant reticulated giraffe stands tall in Samburu National Reserve, Kenya, East Africa. Reticulated giraffes are a unique giraffe species (Giraffa reticulata, formerly labelled as the subspecies Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata) native to the Horn of Africa, primarily within Kenya. Distinguished from other giraffes, its coat displays large, polygonal or squared, block-like spots which extend onto the lower legs, tail and face. Its population stronghold is primarily within Kenya. A 2024 study found that the reticulated giraffe is a hybridisation between northern and southern giraffe lineages. // Samburu National Reserve is a game reserve on the banks of the Ewaso Ng'iro river, offering several safari lodges and camps. South of the river is Buffalo Springs National Reserve. Samburu National Reserve was one of the two areas in which conservationists George and Joy Adamson raised Elsa the Lioness, made famous in the best-selling book and award-winning movie Born Free. The two major rainfall seasons typical to Kenya also loosely apply to Samburu, with the months from April to May and September to November seeing brief rainly spells accompanied by hours of sunshine. The Originally indigenous to the Nile Valley (nilotic), the Samburu people are semi-nomadic shepherds who live in north-central Kenya.
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