As the last ice age melted 10,000 years ago, the impressive Aare Gorge (German: Aareschlucht) was carved by the river Aare through a limestone ridge, near the present town of Meiringen, in the Bernese Oberland region of Switzerland, Europe. A fee is charged to access this elaborate walkway, a series of tunnels and cantilevered boardwalks open to the public since 1889. The Entrances (aboveground West and underground East) are each linked to stations on the Meiringen-Innertkirchen railway. Walking to Aareschlucht from our Hotel Victoria was worthwhile as a 3-mile addition from 3-5:00pm on our Day 7 of hiking on the Swiss Via Alpina (National Route 1). Day 7 began with hiking from Hotel Engstlenalp along Erzegg Ridge to Planplatten (6.7 miles, 1990 feet up, 750 ft down). From Planplatten, we rode 4 lifts down to Meiringen [via Gondelbahn to Mägisalp (Eagle-Express), Bidmi, and Reuti then via Luftseilbahn to Meiringen], where we walked to Hotel Victoria (0.4 miles).
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