An iridescent blue, orange and green Danfe (or Danphe) Pheasant, the national bird of Nepal, was photographed north of Namche Bazaar in Sagarmatha National Park. To make bigger prints of wildlife or birds, use a lens focal length of at least 300mm on a APS-C size sensor DSLR camera (Nikon DX format), which has the equivalent field of view of a 450mm lens on a 35mm-film or 35mm-sensor camera. That telephoto creates a field of view of 8 degrees 15 minutes, measured diagonally, to better magnify birds and small animals. This pheasant, 70 feet away in the fog, would have been much sharper if I had used a telephoto lens longer than 200mm on my Nikon D40X camera (10 megapixel, APS-C sensor). I cropped to one tenth of the original area (from 3872 by 2592 pixels down to 858 by 1002 pixels), enough resolution for a print up to 4 x 6 inches (but larger prints would look unfocused at reading distance). Sagarmatha National Park (created 1976) was honored as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979. Published in "Light Travel: Photography on the Go" book by Tom Dempsey 2009, 2010.
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