Usuki Stone Buddhas: Jizo-jyu-ou-zou / Jizo and the Ten Kings (Hoki 1st Cluster, 4th Gallery), Oita Prefecture, Kyushu island, Japan. The center Jizo Bosatsu's halo has a colorful arabesque design; surrounding him are the 10 kings who judge the sins of and save those in the realm of the dead. They were carved in the Kamakura period, 1185 to 1333. Mostly dating from the Heian Period (794-1185), the galleries of Usuki Stone Buddhas are carved from soft, volcanic rock blasted from nearby Mount Aso volcano. In Japan, Buddha statues are usually made of wood or metal, but stone statues are rarer — Usuki's are the only stone Buddhas in Japan to be designated as national treasures.
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