Echinocereus triglochidiatus is a species of hedgehog cactus commonly known as claret cup cactus, Mojave mound cactus, or kingcup cactus. Echinocerens is from the Greek echinos, meaning a hedgehog, and cereus meaning a wax taper. Triglochidialus means "three barbed bristles" and refers to the straight spines arranged in clusters of three. (It is the official state cactus of Colorado.) From Parkins Inscription Camp, we hiked North Bass Trail to Shinumo Creek, to Bass's old camp. Parkins Inscription Camp is at Colorado River Mile 108.6 (measured downstream from Lees Ferry). Day 7 of 16 days rafting 226 miles down the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA.
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