White orchid flowers. The exquisite Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden near Hilo is my favorite garden in the Hawaiian Islands! Delightful paths and boardwalks take you through a soothing green tropical wonderland endowed with streams (Alakahi Stream, Boulder Creek), waterfalls (Onomea Falls) and oceanfront vistas across Onomea Bay. Purchased in 1977 and transformed over 8 backbreaking years by Dan and Pauline Lutkenhouse, the garden opened to the public in 1984 and was donated to a nonprofit trust in 1995. On the Big Island, a few minutes north of Hilo off of Route 19, take the narrow four-mile Pepe'ekeo Scenic Drive which winds along coastal cliffs, across one-lane wooden bridges over picturesque waterfalls, to reach this peaceful oasis. The garden grows over 2000 plant species, representing more than 125 families and 750 genera, with diverse palms (nearly 200 species), heliconias (80+ species) and bromeliads (80+ species). Address: 27-717 Old Mamalahoa Highway, Papaikou, HI 96781, USA.
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