Montana: Glacier NP: Many Glacier hikes
58 images Created 24 Jun 2011
Several classic hikes surround the Many Glacier Hotel and Campground in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Hike to Grinnell Glacier and powder-blue Upper Grinnell Lake under the steep Lewis Range. The spectacular 11 mile round trip walk (with 1700 feet gain) is shortened to 7.6 miles if you take two boat rides. Traverse Grinnell Lake and Cataract Creek Valley via Piegan Pass. Hike Cracker Lake 11.2 miles round trip (1140 feet gain). Hike Ptarmigan Tunnel 11.2 miles round trip (2315 feet gain) to view Belly River Valley. Hike to Bullhead Lake and Swiftcurrent Lookout (15.6 miles round trip, 3556 feet gain). Or traverse the Northern Highline Trail from Logan Pass along the Garden Wall to Granite Park (overnight camping reservation required), then over Swiftcurrent Pass down to Many Glacier (with a car shuttle, 15.2 miles one way, in two days, 1400 feet gain, plus add 2 miles round trip and 1200 feet gain to spectacular Grinnell Lake Overlook). Hike to Apikuni Falls 1.6 miles round trip (880 feet gain).